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Apri le porte verso una nuova consapevolezza e un profondo cambiamento.
Scopri le potenzialità dei 
Registri Akashici e delle Costellazioni Familiari.
Richiedi un consulto e intraprendi un viaggio di guarigione e trasformazione.

Corso on-line di Iniziazione ai Registri Akashici
sabato 25 maggio h. 10 - 19

Informazioni e iscrizioni
Parallel Lines

Akashic Records:

the memories
of the 

The Akashic Records are a realm of light and high vibration,
where unconditional love reigns, 
an immense archive that contains and preserves the memories of all Creation.

Parallel Lines

Akashic Records:

the memories
of the 

The Akashic Records are a realm of light and high vibration,
where unconditional love reigns, 
an immense archive that contains and preserves the memories of all Creation.

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Akaschic Records

Masters, Spiritual guides and Light Beings live there.Metaphorically it can be compared to a ‘library’ or ‘hard drive’, where each one of us, as well as everything in the creation, has his own “life book”, in which the memory of everything we experienced in each of our incarnations is recorded.


It also contain information about the karma of the individual and his family,and about our soul contracts that each of us choose prior to our incarnation.


Through an experienced channeler our records can be accessed.The Records provide a wonderful insight to know and receive information that can assist us on our evolutionary path. For example, they can better help us understand our purpose in life, the origin of a problem in a difficult relationship, sickness, pain, obstacles and dependence in this or passed lives.We will never be given information that we are not ready to listen to, but only what is beneficial for us to better understand the perceived obstacles that stand in our way of living fully and completely in this life.


Through accessing our records we can experience forgiveness through the

comprehension of our responsibility in the circumstances of this life.


We can understand that in ourselves are contained all experience, and we

can learn to transcend the ego and let go of the need to judge  ourselves

and others.The Akashic Records vibrate at a level of  pure  consciousness,

an unconditional love vibration.It can trigger the opening of our hearts to

access our higher self already connected to Source, that IS Source.

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"Registros Akashicos - Maestria"

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